HALELVIAH Britans Second Remembrancer -- 1879 -- INTRODUCTORY NOTICE. - THE Council of the SPENSER SOCIETY regret that, T owing to unavoidable hindrances, the issues for the year 1878-9 have been delayed beyond the usual period, a disappointment which they trust will not again occur. Withers HaZZeZzykh, now issued, was the work of that author which their late colleague the Rev. Thomas Corser, thoroughly versed in all his writings, was most anxious to see reproduced in the Spenser series, both on
...account of the poetical merits of its Hymns and Songs, which is universally allowed to be very considerable, and . the excessive rarity of the diminutive original edition, which Withers best biographer, the Rev. Aris Wilmott, was never able to obtain a sight of. Four copies only are known to exist of it, namely, that in the British Museum, which was Herbert and Dalrymples the one possessed by Mr. Gaisford, which previously belonged to Mr. Heber and Mr. Wrightson Mr. Huths, the Bridgewater copy, which had been Mr. Pulhams, and was purchased for 35Z. 10s. and Mr. Corsers, which. sold at his . sale for 18. L 5s., and was afterwards obtained for the purpose of this reprint for zrl. The only remaining poetical works of Wither which are yet wanting to complete this series are Hymns arzd Songs of the Church 162 3, The Psalms of David I 63 2, Britains Reme nbrancer I 62 8, and his Emblems I 635. It is proposed that the third, Britains Remembya zcer, a poem of great interest, and affording a most graphic picture of London and the country at the period of the great plague of 1625, shall be selected as the Spenser Societys issue for I 879-80. JAS. CROSSLEY, PRESIDENT. CONTENTS. HALELVIAH or, BRITANS Second REMEMBRANCEbRrin, ging to REMEMBRAN CinE praifefull and Penitential1 Hymns, Sjirituall Songs, and Moral2 Odes Meditations, advancing the glory of GOD, in the praQife of Pietie and Vertue and applyed to eafie Tunes, to be Sung in Families, c. Compofed in a three-fold Volume, by GEORGE WITHER. The firit, contains Hymns-OccaJo al. The fecond, Hymns-Temporary. The third, flynzns-Perfunall. That all Perfons, according to their Degrees, and Qualities, may at all Times, and upon a11 eminent Occajons, be remembred to praife GOD and to be mindfull of their Duties. One woe is pait, the fecorid, pafing on Beware the third, if this, in vain be gone. LONDON, Printed by I. L. for Andrew NebJ, at the Bell in Pazrls Church-yard. 1641. Lowndes, p. 2966 Hazlift, Wither, No. 21...
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